


Requires just a shallow nasal swab that you can do yourself; includes easy-to-follow illustrated instructions.


Bulk Purchase Abbott BinaxNOW Test (2 Count)


Convenient, fast results anytime, anywhere; no need for a prescription or to send to a lab.


Requires just a shallow nasal swab that you can do yourself; includes easy-to-follow illustrated instructions.

**Abbott conducted a computational analysis of the detection of multiple SARS-COV-2 Strains, including the DELTA and OMICRON variants, and predicts no impact to the performance of our BinaxNOW™ COVID-19 Antigen Self Test.

The Abbott BinaxNow At-home covid self-test is an easy way to determine if you are infected with COVID-19, providing fast results in the comfort of your own home in only 15 minutes. The FDA has granted authorization to use this test without the requirement of sending samples to a laboratory or obtaining a prescription from a healthcare provider. Looking For Whole or Bulk amount of BinaxNow, Contact Us?

BinaxNow Covid-19 Rapid Test Kit

Learn how to use the BinaxNOW COVID-19 Antigen Self Test.

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  • A rapid test for the qualitative detection of COVID-19 antigens in nasal swab specimens

  • Test kit dimensions: 9.125” L x 0.938” D x 5.063” H

  • Kit contains all necessary components for testing, including: 2 BinaxNOW COVID-19 Antigen Self Test Cards, 2 Nasal Swabs, 2 Reagent Bottles

  • Available under FDA Emergency Use Authorization.* Only available in the US

BinaxNow By Abbot Antigen Test Kit B2B Purchasing

Covid test-box-of-50-antigen-self -test-infection-detection-easy-fast-15-minutes-swab-abbott-pack-of-50-2-tests-per-box


  • If you use NAVICA and submit your results, they will be available in your result history where you can print, share and refer back to as needed.

    If you choose to self-report your results, you are automatically reporting your test results to public health authorities which meets reporting requirements. If you receive a positive COVID-19 test result, you should consult with your healthcare provider and follow CDC guidelines, in addition to quarantining yourself.

  • No, when the foam end of the swab is inserted, the nasal swab is not sharp and it should not hurt. Sometimes the swab can feel slightly uncomfortable or tickly. If you feel pain, please stop the test and seek advice from a healthcare provider.

  • There are different kinds of tests for COVID-19. Molecular tests (also known as PCR tests) detect genetic material from the virus. Antigen tests detect proteins from the virus. Antigen tests are very specific for the virus, but are not as sensitive as molecular tests. This means that a positive result tends to be accurate, but a negative result does not rule out infection. If your test result is negative, you should discuss with your healthcare provider whether an additional molecular test would help with your care, and when you should discontinue home isolation.